
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Beauty Review: Chanel Les Beiges 2013 Collection

Chanel's new Les Beiges collection, the Healthy Glow Sheer Powder & All-In-One Cream, is one of the latest hits with the luxury make-up industry. When I heard that this was being released in August 2013, I checked every Chanel counter that I could find for this highly-coveted powder and cream. I could find the cream, but I wanted the powder more than the cream. The powder was SOLD OUT everywhere that I went. 

The powder comes in 7 shades, from No. 10 to No. 70. Only 10 and 20 are available in powder and cream form at the Chanel counters. (I last checked at Ion's flagship chanel make-up store and they carry No. 30 & No. 40 for the powder as well). My skin tone is matched to No. 20. Darker shades can be used for bronzing. 

Fortunately, my mum was able to pick it up for me from the Vietnam Airport's DFS for USD$51 each for the powder and cream. I was over the moon and couldn't wait for the gorgeous new beige goodies to reach me. They are SGD $82 each if I remember correctly. Chanel switched the classic black packaging for this lovely beige shade that makes it so elegant and desirable. The powder also comes with an alluring sweet scent. Oh my, I'm all in for Chanel. (Sorry my photos are turned out a little weird, I took them at night.)

I do not use foundations/powders in my make-up routine, so I was just searching for a light coverage powder that I could just dust onto my face to even out my skin tone a little more. What made me want this range so much was that I could use the powder without any base (as I do not use liquid foundation/BB cream...etc). However, for the best results, the powder should be applied over the Les Beiges All-In-One Cream. 

The powder is a sheer powder, so it is not meant to be a super heavy coverage powder. It is meant to enhance your face and give you a 'glow'. Lately, the radiant look is very popular. My routine for this would be in order: All-In-One Cream, Chanel's Correcteur Perfection Concealer then the Healthy Glow Sheer Powder + the rest of my make-up like blush...etc. I would love to have the Les Beiges Kabuki Brush (SGD $74), but I still cannot find it, so I use Sephora's brush for compact/loose powder to lightly buff the powder all over my face. This powder is buildable if you want a heavier coverage. For touch-up, Chanel has provided a little brush inside the compact. I do not think that this brush is very good for picking up the fine powders, so use your own Kabuki Brush if you can!

Here are my swatches of my Chanel products (heavily applied):

In conclusion, the powder and the cream do give a healthy radiant glow on the face. It leaves my face feeling flawless and not cake-y at all. It is a light finish powder. Can't wait to try out more Chanel products! (Asking my mum to hunt them down for me in France!) If you want to try out your shade before getting these products overseas, I suggest you head down to Ion to try out the make-up first. The make-up artists over there are very helpful!

Some photos with the products on my face! Taken with the iPhone 5 front camera. 

With the cream & powder (with not-so-good lighting):

Just the powder (with natural sunlight): SEE THE GLOW?! I love Chanel. 


  1. hi, love to read your blog, btw what shades did u use for les beiges cream? n 10 or 20? did it oxydize? thank u

    1. aww thanks babe! I used 20! No it was fine for me, but I usually put a layer of the sheer powder over. :)
